
Doing this workout in your 60s can preserve strength for years

Doing this workout in your 60s can preserve strength for years

It’s never too late to start lifting weights – and now there are more signs it can provide enduring health benefits for older people.

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that regularly lifting weights for a year in your mid-60s can preserve the strength of your leg muscles for years to come. Here are the key findings.

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Coffee is linked to an increased risk of anxiety. Here’s how to cope

Coffee is linked to an increased risk of anxiety. Here’s how to cope
Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the sympathetic nervous system – the part of the body responsible for your fight-or-flight response. When it’s activated, your heart rate rises and blood pressure goes up, your muscles tense, and you may start sweating. Find out how Caffeine can lead to anxiety and how to deal with this by reading our latest blog! Continue reading

Struggle to make decisions? This simple mindset trick could help

Struggle to make decisions? This simple mindset trick could help

Each day, we are inundated with choices. Some are small – like our morning coffee order – while others are big, such as where to send our children to school. With an abundance of options and information at our fingertips today, it would make sense that the best decisions come from thorough, detailed analysis, right?


Decades’ worth of psychological research suggests the opposite. In fact, people who make “good enough” decisions, instead of “perfect” ones, are often happier.

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Eating ultra-processed meat linked to greater risk of early death

Eating ultra-processed meat linked to greater risk of early death
Eating ultra-processed meat is linked to an increased risk of early death, a Harvard study over 30 years has found. The highest risks were associated with the most processed meats such as sausages and ham. Regular consumers of such products had a 13 per cent higher chance of dying over the 34 years tracked. So how can we reduce our intake of processed foods? Read our latest blog on how to eat healthier to improve you health! Continue reading

The five exercises you should do to improve your sex life

The five exercises you should do to improve your sex life

“It’s important to remember that sex is movement, and it’s exercise,” says Debby Herbenick, director of the Centre for Sexual Health Promotion at the Indiana University School of Public Health. If you want to have satisfying sex, she says, you’ll likely benefit from moving your body outside of the bedroom.


Find out how exercise can help improve the quality of your sex life today!

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Are you getting dirty enough? Experts say it can improve health

Are you getting dirty enough? Experts say it can improve health

A recent Finnish experiment found that children attending urban day cares where a native “forest floor” had been planted had both a stronger immune system and a healthier microbiome than those attending day cares with gravel yards – and continued to have beneficial gut and skin bacteria two years later.


Read our latest blog post to find out how playing outside in the 'dirt' can improve your immunity!

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Exercise doesn't just benefit your body, it also strengthens your brain

Exercise doesn't just benefit your body, it also strengthens your brain
Whether exercise can cause new neurons to grow in adult humans – a feat previously thought impossible, and a tantalising prospect to treat neurodegenerative diseases – is still up for debate. But even if it’s not possible, physical activity is excellent for your brain, improving mood and cognition through “a plethora” of cellular changes, van Praag says. Read our latest post to find out how exercise can stimulate and help the brain! Continue reading

Are artificial sweeteners helpful or harmful?

Are artificial sweeteners helpful or harmful?
There are few nutriments more perplexing than artificial sweeteners. Are they safe long-term? Do they facilitate weight loss or weight gain? Well, it all depends on who you ask. Experts are torn, with some believing sweeteners can help in the long term. Others believe it is only a short-term solution. Read our latest blog post to find out more! Continue reading

Five tips to have a healthy Easter long weekend

Five tips to have a healthy Easter long weekend
Easter is just around the corner, and the long weekend is a great opportunity to take a well-earned break, relax and catch up with family and friends. However, it can also be a time of over-indulging in junk food, sweats and alcohol. Find out how you can still stay healthy over the holiday period.  Continue reading
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