
Menopause changes the brain. Here are 3 ways to protect it

Menopause changes the brain. Here are 3 ways to protect it
In Australia, up to one in 10 people over 65 are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Almost two-thirds of them are women – a discrepancy that researchers have long attributed to genetics and women’s longer life spans, among other reasons. But there is growing consensus that menopause may also be an important risk factor for the development of dementia later in life. Continue reading

Exercising needed for the typical office worker

Exercising needed for the typical office worker

Our bodies are designed to move, but our lifestyles are designed to minimise movement and effort, so we have a unique quandary: how do we balance the needs of our bodies with the construct of modern living?

With so few people meeting the guidelines for the physical activity needed to maintain our health, public health researchers have increasingly turned their attention to the least amount of stimulus our bodies need to have an effect.

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What the state of your tongue really says about your health?

What the state of your tongue really says about your health?
In the 2000-year-old practice of Chinese medicine, the tongue holds a special place and is regarded as a crucial diagnostic tool, explains Professor Danforn Lim, a dually registered specialist medical practitioner and Chinese medicine practitioner. Learn about what your tongue says about your health today! Continue reading

How much coffee is too much?

How much coffee is too much?
Coffee can be many things: a morning ritual, a cultural tradition, a productivity hack and even a health drink. But how much coffee is too much coffee for daily consumption? We speak with experts to get their opinion on what the sweet spot is when it comes to coffee consumption. Read our new blog now! Continue reading

Why your diet could be affecting your quality of sleep

Do you wonder what types of foods can affect your sleep for better or worse? Or do you know the best times to eat in order to aid with better sleep? A new study has offered answers you want to know to enhance your sleep with food. Read our latest blog to find out. 

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Ultra-processed foods you probably didn't know you were eating

Ultra-processed foods you probably didn't know you were eating

What you may not know is that despite our best efforts, some commonly consumed supermarket foods that may look and sound healthy are actually ultra-processed foods. Ultra-processed foods are foods that have been engineered to such an extent that many of their raw nutritional benefits are lost. With the regular consumption of ultra-processed foods now associated with an increased risk of developing a number of lifestyle diseases, including several types of cancer, it may be time to take a closer look at what is in your weekly grocery shop.

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What are the most Googled questions about sleep?

What are the most Googled questions about sleep?

We are a nation in the grip of a sleeplessness epidemic, with a recent Gallup survey showing that a third of adults struggle to get a good night’s rest. If you’ve been there, you’ll know how debilitating it can be—not only does poor sleep affect your energy levels in your waking hours, experts also say it can lead to poor dietary and lifestyle habits, along with increased stress levels. Sleep expert Ashley Hainsworth, of Bed Kingdom, shares what he claims are the most Googled sleep-related questions of the past year—and answers them

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How often do you need to exercise to get stronger?

How frequently do we need to exercise if we want to get stronger? This is a question that has fascinated Professor Ken Nosaka, director of Exercise and Sports Science at Edith Cowan University. It has driven a body of research, which has found that daily exercise snacks – defined in the study as three seconds of movement – five times a week for a month can power a 12 per cent increase in strength and muscle size. Read further to find out more!

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